5 Glorious Health Benefits of Standing Office Desks


Modern offices require many desk jobs, and sitting every day can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and kidney failure. In short, sitting too much adversely impacts your health and can be life-threatening. Weight gain and obesity risks also increase for people who sit a lot. On the other hand, sitting for a longer duration also burns quite a few calories and can affect how we live. It is now a global problem for all office workers, and one of the best solutions is standing desks.

What Is A Standing Desk?

The name is enough to explain the definition of a standing desk which allows standing up and working comfortably. Most modern versions of standing desks are height adjustable, which means office workers can stand and sit while working on the desk based on their needs. Although the trend of height-adjustable desks has only started, it is evident that it will bring a lot of health benefits in the future. One of the best advantages of using the desk is it reduces the hazardous effects of excessive sitting. Apart from desks ergonomic office chairs Melbourne also significantly contributes to boosting the overall efficiency of a business.

Here are some of the best advantages of standing office desks. 

1. Standing Reduces The Risk of Obesity and Weight Gain:

One of the leading reasons for weight gain is consuming excessive calories and not burning them with physical effort. Exercise is the first choice option to reduce or burn excessive calories and is the secret of staying fit and healthy. Work out is not a smart idea for desk workers as they get drained out mentally; hence standing desks can work perfectly.

2. Reduce Blood Sugar Levels:

Recently, research was conducted among ten office workers who had to switch between sitting and standing for every 30 minutes. The research showcased positive results as employees who switched between sitting and standing positions had reduced blood sugar spikes by a whopping 12% margin. Moreover, you must also follow the rule of standing for at least 80 minutes after lunch.

Image Source: Fast Office Furniture

3. Standing Reduces Back Pain:

Back and neck aches are two of the most dreaded problems which every desk job worker has to tackle once in their work life. Research proved a 32% improvement in neck and back pain for all the employees who started working in standing positions.

4. Boost Mood And Reduce Stress Levels:

Surprising research that successful industries would not love to share is standing desks take happiness and energy levels to 87% up. Improving the mental health of employees will have a positive impact on business growth.

5. Improve Quality of life:

Switching between standing and sitting while working keeps the mind fresh and happy, which impacts business operations. Standing and height adjustable desks cannot improve the speed of the work, but it can definitely impact volume.

By now, you must have understood the significance of office desks and how they can have a major impact on business growth. All in all, standing more and sitting less is the secret to success. 


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