5 sitting positions that we must avoid from today in the workspace

Sitting for an extended period of time is associated with a variety of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other problems. However, we frequently overlook the fact that prolonged sitting is a common source of postural problems. A substantial proportion of workers in offices spend the majority of their time sitting. This means that maintaining proper sitting posture is even more critical for office workers. This article will discuss the health consequences of poor workplace sitting posture and the sitting postures to avoid today in the workspace. What should I avoid while sitting? 1. You should not tilt your head while sitting as it may cause a head injury. You may have noticed how badly you sprain your neck when to tilt it while fetching an important file or some document placed on a higher shelve. Once you sprain your neck it will take you quite some time to get rid of the intense pain. In order to avoid facing these issues, never tilt your head while ...